Christmas and New Year may be fun, but the festive season can also be pretty stressful, especially if you are hosting friends or family at your home over the holidays. You will no doubt want your home to be looking its best so that you can show it off, but with all of the preparation involved leading up to Christmas, it’s difficult to find enough time to spend relaxing with your loved ones.
Our guide is designed to help you keep your Christmas preparations as stress-free as possible.
Banish clutter and clean all surfaces
It’s normal for clutter to build up on any tables or surfaces in your home, but your first step of the Christmas clean should be to rid all surfaces of piles of mail, magazines, newspapers, toys, books or any other items. Recycle what you can and tidy away anything else. This will leave your countertops and tables clear and easy to clean.
Your kitchen surfaces in particular will be in constant use throughout Christmas, so make sure to give them a thorough clean before Christmas day and again while you’re cooking. Be sure to continually wipe surfaces before and after preparing food, as germs and bacteria can be left behind. The same rules apply for your dining table.
Clean your carpets
No matter how much you vacuum or self-clean your carpets, some dirt, dust and stains will still linger. So why not take the opportunity to call in the professionals to deep clean your carpets and leave them looking as good as new?
Polish your best silver and dining set
If you have a best dining set and cutlery that only come out of the cupboard on special occasions, make sure you give them a good clean and polish to make your Christmas meal as memorable as possible.
Clean your Christmas decorations
As your Christmas decorations spend most of the year in a box, hidden away in the back of a cupboard, or up in the loft, dust is to be expected. When it’s time to put up your Christmas tree and decorate your home, it seems a little pointless taking the time to clean your home and then hanging up dirty decorations. Make sure you set aside the time to give all decorations a good wipe before you hang them up. They will look much better and you won’t have to worry about showers of dust.
This is also a good time to make sure that any lights or electronic decorations still work!
Get your oven cleaned professionally
Oven cleaning is an important and difficult job, yet most of us ignore it for too long. Rather than battling with grease this Christmas, why not organise a professional oven cleaning service, leaving you to focus on cooking up delicious food as opposed to fighting through clouds of smoke from the built-up grime and grease?
Get the family involved
To make life easier, get your family involved in Christmas cleaning and preparations. Ask your children to tidy up after themselves and take clothes and toys back to their bedrooms. You could also ask them to help with polishing cutlery or dusting Christmas decorations.
If you are in need of a helping hand prepping your home for Christmas visitors, or for cleaning up in the new year, be sure to call Domestique on 0845 625 9895.